My best girl has been there when shit got super heavy and when things were a breeze. Always touting a huge smile and with more love than Elmo and Barnie combined. Best Kid Ever.
These two folks were like my other parents, can't say enough about their compassion, positivity and support throughout the months. I found comfort and direction from them and their family when I needed it most. Thank You so much guys.
Tell me where to sign....
The rain riddled the roof of the van with a comforting ambience as I laid on my back drifting through the memories of the day and the months that had passed. I roamed through the vast entanglement of emotions, realizations and conclusions that I had amassed up to that point. Realizing that I had come thus far and that what I had daydreamed about so many times over the harshest couple hundred days was now my present reality, I was living my longing, aching, hopeful aspirations. I was sleeping alone in a van in the redwoods while the rain fell diligently from the sky as it does so well on the north coast. The ocean was so near and so were the waves and the stoke. My state of mind was something of a hazy glow as the uncertainty and pulsing gratitude of life filled me up. Sometimes when you're in something so deep you don't even realize what's going on, my ragged journey through what is now a confusingly scary and undefined acceptance of the situation has lead me down many thoughtful avenues. Lying there alone in the dark I felt defeated and devalued, I arose to the fact that I had cancer, that I was just another person out there who was stricken with the unfortunate and unjust chaos of the world. I felt crippled, and scared and as if I was looking down a dead end street with no alternate directions or possible outcomes to look forward to. It felt like knowing the end of the story before it ended type of thing. That was my first and only wave of sorrow and defeat I had felt throughout the whole thing, it was the only time since I discovered this horrible truth that I didn't have a bright, blooming positivity about my life. It was so ironic to be bottomed out in the midst of everything that was so perfectly right and long anticipated. That moment was the pinnacle of my self understanding and spirituality if you will. I found life to be a minute by minute gift and the people whom were a part of it were all that defined it. There was no longer a horizon to glance over or a future to report to, there was this here now with no answers, no promises, and no expectations. Get it while it lasts, enjoy them while they're there, don't close your eyes unless you have to. I found out more about myself and life in the big white econoline that night than I had in 28 years. I fell asleep tense and slightly discomforted but so profoundly reassured and alive.
The next morning followed by the next couple weeks I spent with people who have made me who I am over the years and have given me the gusto and fortitude to have been able to fight this fight. I can't explain how cussing unbelievably real and amazing the people are that I'm lucky to have as friends, family and acquaintances. As cheesy as it sounds there's a whole lotta love in the air these days. Suppose there always has been it just took me awhile to genuinely understand and appreciate it. Thanks for everything everyone! I gots mad luv for ya! Stick